Wednesday, February 23, 2011

True Dreams

Why can't we all have dreams like this young man. (Coming out story.)

I'm 15 years old and I have known for quite a while now that I was gay (since I was 8).
It didn't really 'begin' it just has always been that I liked boys, it has been like normal to me and I have just accepted me to be who I am. To be honest  I am quite proud of being gay but I know it is going to be hard in the future to come.
I came out to my mum first when I was 14 and she surprisingly took it very well and I feel comfortable around her (although we don't ever talk about it). I then eventually told my brother that I was gay, but my mum had already told him which disappointed me but otherwise he took it really well despite being Christian. I haven't told my dad because I don't think he will understand and to be honest he doesn't really care about much. I won't tell any of my school friends because I go to a pretty rough school full of homophobes.
I did go out with some girls when I was in primary school but they didn't last long, only a few short weeks. I didn't make out with any of them because I wasn't really attracted to girls. In the middle of class I would always fantasize about boys.
When I was 11 I met a really nice boy who was gay too and we were best friends, except that my mum always moved us around alot so I eventually lost contact with him. I want to have a boyfriend but I just haven't found anyone just yet,  but I know I will one day, and have a family.
All I want is to be happy and accepted into the community, and to feel safe to come out fully to everyone.

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