Friday, February 4, 2011


So, I'll admit that I'm very very late Gleek. I only started watching after most of the second season was over via DVDs. I'm all caught up now! YAY! Anyway. What I find remarkable was how realistic Kurt was in the first season as a gay character. I've seen a lot of gay characters on TV here and there. But Kurt showed the truest of pains as he started to develop through the season. He actually obtained a crush on a straight guy and had to walk alone. He even had an amazing feat of coming out to his father that would normally have been less than accepting toward his son. All of which was beautiful and wonderful. Not to mention that Chris Colfer got them to create the character just for him. However, I found myself disappointed in the second season in the third episode "Grilled Cheesus" (I won't even start into the horrors of what Finn does in the episode). In the episode, Kurt confirms that he does not believe in God at all. My heart sank because it is all so true that gay people tend to turn away from God and simply just say there must not be one because He gives us the short end because we are gay.

So, here are some of my thoughts. It isn't right that a lot of God's people make us feel very unwelcome and like we are sinners. If they would take a second look at the, oh, seven passages that they use to condemn us, maybe they would see something new about them to show them that it isn't bad to be gay. We were made the way we were for a certain reason. I feel it is kind of a test of faith for us. Now, I'm not saying it is wrong to turn completely away from God all together, but why is it always straight to there isn't anything? Why is it that no one ever goes on the quest to find other religions and see if they have something to offer. Personally, I have put Christianity and Hinduism together to press all my beliefs together. So, I urge all of you to go out and seek something. It's a bit naive to think that we all are just here out of no where. The complexities of our world show that it could not have just happened without some kind of thought. Go out and listen to nature. You'll feel it if you are trying hard enough!

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